Friday, June 8, 2007


Some FAQs

How does this online learning program work?

This is a self-discovery program which encourages staff to take control of their own learning and to utilize their lifelong learning skills through exploration and PLAY. There will be no classes or workshops offered to support this program. Instead, staff are encouraged to work together and share with each other their discoveries, techniques and "how to's" both in person and through their blogs.

Where did TSLA get this crazy idea?

Two TSLA staffers - James Staub and Sue Maszaros - gave it to them! (Don't hate). They attended an online seminar about Library 2.0 technologies and the Learning 2.0 - 23 Things program that the Charlotte Mecklenburg County Public Library originally developed and which has spread to libraries across the country - and even Australia!

Is this program open to all TSLA and Regional staff or just some?

This program is open to ALL TSLA and Regional staff regardless of position and status (full and part time).

How do I track my progress for each of the 23 Things?

Each staff member that chooses to participate in this program will be required to keep a blog to track their progress.

I've seen the list of 23 Things on the website, but how do I know what to do with them?

Each week, two or three posts will be added to TSLA Learning 2.0 with details about the discovery exercises for that week. The reason for this staggered approach is to allow participants the ability to focus each week on a different area without feeling overwhelmed.

Can I work ahead through the list of items on my own?

Yes, of course. You are encouraged to self-direct your discovery process, especially by working ahead on your own! However, if you do work ahead on some items, be sure to check back on the exercise details for each item once they are posted so you can be sure to receive full credit for its completion.

What if I need help - who can I call?

Since this program is self-directed and is being completed by many staff members throughout the system simultaneously, you are encouraged to work with colleagues along your discovery journey. If you need more help, feel free to contact one of our volunteer tech support folks. See the Need Help? page for a list of volunteer tech support staff.

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